A charming screen-shot (best superpower that laptops have) of the antique amusement park scene in Vicky Christina Barcelona. I rewatched No Country for Old Men again whilst passing through the Czech Republic via ten-hour train trip with Julia. I can say with confidence that I prefer Javier B. with a loose-fitting linen button-up over the psychopath with a moptop.
I should be doing my film term paper thats due in two hours, instead i'll write a restaurant review. This little place, Zur Eisernen Zeit, (Time for Iron? What?) was a part of the Kohlmarkt right near our hostel in Vienna = Wien = Wiener hehehe. The place was warm and smokey and had the best goddamn goulasch I've ever tasted. Don't think I've actually tried this meat stew but the old Viennese German speaking old dudes said it was the best in Vienna. Sure!
i wish i could look like this as a traveling tourist. my daily apparel has suffered from strictly handwashing (aka not that clean) and the frustration of having six different shirts to choose from. also my cameras always get tangled with my tired purse.
""Like with ‘Say Yes,’ I wrote that song in five minutes. And I wrote ‘Between the Bars’ right after that. Both of those I made up during an episode of ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’ with the sound off, which is a great way to write songs. Your eyes are busy, so they don’t get bored and they don’t watch what your hands are doing, so then you can surprise yourself. Your hands can surprise you with what they know and that you don’t."”
Elliott Smith Talks Songwriting with Mary Lou Lord in a 1998 issue of Spin