= my new favorite book!
I have been buying books like crazy lately but this is by far my favorite (besides all the rad cookbooks I now own).
In a nutshell: Japanese dudes came to America in 1964ish to take photos of the men of the Ivy Leagues, which were still not co-ed at the time. They went back to Japan and made a book, this book, that sold out everywhere instantly and started this huge huge huge prep craze in Japan. People got real obsessed and later on, when there was The Internet and all that, this book sold for thousands of dollars online! Then it was reprinted super exclusively in 2006 and sold out instantly again, and now for the FIRST TIME EVER it is being printed in English. It just came out yesterday, August 31st, but I pre-ordered myself a copy so I already have it and have read through it three times since my return from Alabama on Monday night.
And let me tell you, these styles are spot-on. Seriously, these dudes were the original hipsters.
I think my favorite part of the book is the "Ivy Wardrobe Directory" which tells you exactly what you need and how many of each and in what colors and fabrics. For example: "Shoes: Four pairs- Cordovan plain toe or saddle shoes in black and brown, classic loafers, boat shoes or sneakers, brown boots". SO SPECIFIC.